122. Misogynistic Pastor and the 1950’s Housewife

Chief Conspiracy Correspondent (CCC) Jerry Malauskas joins Chris in the studio to co-host this episode.

This Episode’s Discussion Topics:

  • Pastor Stewart-Allen Clark from First Baptist Church in Malden, MO takes a leave of absence after preaching about the importance of having an attractive wife and that women need to practice “weight control”.
  • Anthony Luperini returns to the show to present his take on “The Good Wife’s Guide”, originally published in the pages of Housekeeping Monthly in May, 1955.
  • Breaking Baba News: Cock-a-Doodle Death! Baba Gonesh reports from Punjab, India where a man has been stabbed to death in the groin by his own rooster during an illegal cockfight.
  • Other Topics: One year after COVID-19 lockdowns, vaccinations and the Krispy Kreme incentive, and UFOs over military installations.
  • New Philip Donald album cover reviewed.

Pastor Stewart-Allen Clark 

takes leave of absence from First Baptist Church in Malden, MO after preaching on the importance of wives practicing weight control and staying attractive for their husbands. Otherwise they risk having their husbands looking elsewhere for their needs.