The second of two installments with special in-studio guests Dave Jackson and Jerry Malauskas. This episode breaks from our traditional format where we delve into some of the latest social topics, including:
- The latest social media news including various Facebook scandals, the new Amazon Key launch, and dangerous apps for kids.
- Geoffrey Gleason Tech Talk – Lesson #2. Check out Geoffrey’s YouTube channel for his library of helpful tech tips!
- A conversation with Alexa.
- Baba Gonesh answers your calls for an explanation on the India Caste system.
- Starbucks racial sensitivity training day.
- Classic Smorgasbord Radio Bit “Get a Life” – the one that could have permanently suspended Chris and Dave from their high school radio program.
- Baggy pants at the laundromat
- Ally’s award-winning podcast submission for her college music appreciation class.
- And many other surprises!
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