Yes, after a 25-year hiatus, I am resurrecting the old Smorg brand name for a new project. My daughter and I are teaming up to do a weekly podcast together. The premier episode has been completed and the series can be found in the podcast section of this site, as well as at iTunes (just search for SmorgShow). This is a work in progress, so I expect this thing will grow over time. Since we aren’t broadcasting live, we can’t really take live phone calls, but we do have a special hotline to our studios: (312) 95-SMORG. Leave us a voicemail and we might include it in an upcoming show.
Our plan at this point is to have the new weekly episode up by late Sunday evening. Follow us on Twitter @SmorgShow for updates when new episodes are available.
It was quite a chore getting the studio put together again after all these years. Some of the old equipment still functions surprisingly well, given that it has been in the crawlspace for nearly 25 years. I even have my original Radio Shack Stereo Disco Mixer that I purchased back in 1979. Other things are just obsolete – no need to use cart machines or turntables when you have an iPod. However, despite having what I thought was every possible combination of audio connection wires, somehow I still needed additional ones to get the entire operation up and running. Good thing Radio Shack is still around. Where else can you find a 1/8” to 1/4” stereo male to stereo female Y-adapter at a moment’s notice? They have their old geeky customer back after all these years.
Looking forward to doing this again. Let’s see how long it lasts.
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